Almond is an advanced product of nuts, rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E) ,helps to regulate physiological functions .In addition, almond is also rich in cellulose, long-term of consumption
helps to regulate physiological functions, and promote intestinal peristalsis effect.
Non-GM soybeans
Nutritional value of soybean is very high, as soy contain 35 to 38% of protein, comprising essential amino acids – lysine which plant do not have, besides soybeans contain mostly unsaturated fatty acid .In addition, non-GM
soybeans also contain isoflavones which GM soybeans do not have.
Oats is a very natural healthy food, as oats contain large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E, calcium, iron, helps to regulate physiological functions, and water-soluble dietary fiber
poly β- glucose contained in oats, promote intestinal peristalsis effect.
Black beans
Black beans is a very high nutritional value plants, rich in plant protein and 18 kinds of essential amino acids, and contain vitamin E, vitamin B, and crude fiber helps in regulating physiological function and promote intestinal
peristalsis effect, it is a natural health food.
Black sesame seeds
Since ancient times ,black sesame has been regarded as saint product for hair care, and its mellow taste has been everyone’s favourite .In terms of nutritional value, black sesame seeds are rich in fiber and minerals, especially
calcium and iron .In addition, black sesame oil contained unsaturated fatty acids, hence is a very high nutritional value natural food.
Psyllium is a traditional Chinese herbal medicines, modern pharmacology found that psyllium is rich in choline, psyllium alkali, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and various fatty acids, helps to regulate physiological functions.
Spinach is a kind of vegetables with tender texture, rich in vitamin C, carotene, folic acid, calcium, iron and other nutrients, help development and growth of bone, formation of red blood cells and an antioxidant, is a high
nutritional value vegetable.
Cabbage is a well-known vegetable, contain vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, iron and dietary fiber, and its calcium, iron, phosphorus content hit top five in all kinds of vegetables ,and the content of
calcium is the most abundant , therefore it can be regarded as a high nutritional value of vegetables.
Wheat germ
Wheat germ is part of wheat with the highest nutritional value, containing a wide variety of nutrients, known as the " human natural nutrition treasure house", rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and 18 kinds of essential amino
acids. In addition, wheat germ is a high vitamin E, low fat, low cholesterol food.
Celery contains dietary fiber, crude fiber, β-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, and other nutrients, promote intestinal peristalsis, an antioxidant, is a high nutritional value of vegetables.
Chinese yam
Chinese yam is a high-carbohydrate, high-protein healthy food ,contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and other nutrients, and the lipid contain is only half of potato, therefore
less likely to cause weight gain.
Brown rice
Brown rice contains a lot of epidermis and germ, so it rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E, vitamin K and dietary fiber and other nutrients, it has antioxidant effect and promote bone calcification, is a natural source of